Friday, September 9, 2011

Can You Die From Pancreatitis?

From my understanding, a person can die from pancreatitis from their very first pancreatic attack. A person can also completely recover from an initial attack and never have another attack or pancreatic problems again... this is what the doctors in the hospital told me.

I would guess that a person's recovery, whether or not they recover and how long it take them to recover has a lot to do with that person's actions and how they treat their pancreas and whether they give the pancreas ample time to recover.

Alcohol can trigger a pancreatic attack. Therefore, if a person's pancreatitis was initiated by alcohol that person might be wise to steer clear of drinking alcohol particularly during the months following the attack to allow the pancreas to recover.

A pancreatic attack can also be brought on by a severe blow to the pancreas. I don't know (nor do I know that the information exists for anyone to know) if this sort of pancreatitic attack makes the pancreas more vulnerable to alcohol.

Pancreatitis can turn into chronic pancreatitis - which is what I have - which can turn into pancreatitic cancer.

Pancreatitis can kill you, it can become chronic pancreatitis or you can recover completely from it. From what I can tell, it seems that there is more choice than chance in the direction a person goes with the disease of pancreatitis.

If this is a person's first bout with pancreatitis and if it is caught early on - often not the case - then one might assume it is possible to recover completely without additional pancreatitic attacks if a person stays away from alcohol, high levels of stress and fatty foods.

If a person is diagnosed with pancreatitis after having had it for a while - often several years - then it is perhaps more likely that person would be susceptible to the pancreatitis developing into chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis is either reoccurring or doesn't go away. In my case, the chronic pancreatitis pretty much never goes away but can still be kept under control.

From what I've read, if you're lucky enough not to have the pancreatitis or chronic pancreatitis kill you then it will in time most likely turn into pancreatic cancer. A brutally cruel disease that usually kills within 6 months to 5 years.... if you're lucky.

One of the reasons it is so hard to find a cure for pancreatic cancer is because people die from it so quickly.

If you or a loved one have pancreatic cancer then heart goes out to you and what you are going through. I hope that in time we are able to find a cure or at least a way to live a longer, pain-free life with this disease.

One of my favorite discoveries are natural bulk herbs that reduce tumors that I turn into teas. Often tumors go undetected. Therefore, I feel like I'm being proactive when I try to fight tumor growth from the beginning.


  1. Stumbled on this in a Google search. I am two weeks in from my first attack and am so scared. They haven't figured out what caused the pancreatitis. I took SlimQuick for a few weeks a month before the attack. Im worried that did it but who knows. I am so scared I will get cancer or recurring pancreatitis. I will peruse your blog for some more info!

    1. Now that you say that right before my attack i took the same thing. I dnt drink at all so thay didn't know why i got it, i almost died my lipace (sp) was at 3000! I do have family that has it so we think it runs in my family. Mine turned into chronic pancreatitis. Hopefully yours won't be. My prayers go out to you. Hey did your leggs n feet get swollen right before it happened?

    2. I had symtoms of chest pains for 18months, the hospital disgnosed me with asthma, indigestion!! Sent home the pains became more frequent , i got them in my lower back and eventually collapsed my amalaze was near the 4000 mark and i spent 3 months in hospital were i was about to be put on a ventilator as my lungs and liver were shutting down on me. I then developed blood clots in my lungs after surgery as the pain i had in my chest was gall stones which caused the pancreatious! Im out of hodpital 6 months now but have developed spuesythists on my pancreas which need to be removed! But thank god im nearly back to full heath!

  2. my mom has had it for as long as i can remember. its a life long disease i just have to deal with... She is only 48, and hs to wear dipers. She can hardly eat anything other than soup and things of that nature. narcotics are the only thing that makes the pain tolerable.

    1. my father has Chronic pancreatitis my father has had it for almost a year he has no god bladder and has a small piece of his pancreas and has one of his toe paralized and has an ernua i think its spelled like that he was in the hospitol months stright with out coming out he spend his own bday in the in icu with all of that he is working now the doctoers say its a miricle hes alive my father was dead 2 times in the hospitql luckly the nurse call blue code 2 tines the told my 17 old bro your father would is dead if we didnt have that tube for him my mom would barely sleep knowing he husbqnd could die any second she thought how will i tell my kids and on top if that my dads family saying its your fought hes here you never took him to the doctors but the thing is he never had pain my mom is think whenvhe and my 17 year old bro is there my two daughter are stqrving i haveny cook for them me and my sis will eat bread water and sometime other things i will have to go to school with kids pick on me cuz i had my dad as my wallpaper and cuz out of now where in class i will start crying they all calped me baby cry not know what i deal with at home my bro alway put a smile on his face for me but even though you could tell he wanted to cry but he never did and that my story i know its long but i had to get it out

  3. im 17, been living with attacks for a year and a half

  4. I have been suffering from chronic pancreatitis for several years now. I tell you this is worse than natural child birth. I do not drink at all. I have heredity pancreatitis. I am on enzymes and pain and nausea meds. The pain meds offer little relief. My body absorbs the meds so fast that my body eats it up and after just a few months it barely touches the pain. It took forever and I do mean FOREVER to finally find out what was wrong with me. There are days the pain is so intense that I lay and pray for death to come. I am only 35 and thats a problem I have faced in trying to be treated. Doctors always say well your to young to be on this much medicine...what are you going to do when you get to this age and blah blah blah. I wish they would research this and then they would see that alot of people does not have long life spans after it turns to chronic. Its usually just a matter of time before it turns cancerous. I have a good GI dr and pain management dr. I am very lucky to have such a loving husband. I stay so sick on my stomach and I have got to where my stomach stays swollen, no joke I always looks 6 to 9 months pregnant. Now my legs have started swelling on me. Which is another sign its getting worse. I hope and pray anyone that ends up with this is diagnosed early and have amazing drs at their side! I pray for all that does have it.

    1. Dawn...if I did not know better, I would have thought I had written your blog. Only I am 59 and I have been suffering as you described for 3 yrs+. I did become ill due to drinking, so I have myself to blame. It seems that doctors do not really understand the pain and how to actually help in finding the correct med's. In my experience and the local hospitals, that is a waste of energy and time. I too have a great husband...I just feel so bad that this has changed his life as well. My quality of life will never be the same or his as long as I am alive.Between the pain,that is increasing weekly and a desperate need and desire to keep working,the depression is really stressing me and that then turns into another attack. Why isn't there more medical research into this illness? I am writing this because I am in need of sharing my feelings with others that are also suffering.I would not wish this illness on anyone. I am attemptimg to find out how I am can continue working...but so far no luck and that causes more stress. I don't know about you but my brain does not function as it should. Probably from lack of food.I needed to lose weight but not 90 pounds and now I lose about 2 pounds a week,I now weight 117. To everyone that is suffering from chronic or acute pancreatitis,I include you in my prayers.I am not afraid of dying, it is the pain that I am afraid of and the lost of my quality of life.

    2. Can you tell me if alcohol free beer (that contains about 0,5%) alcohool is bad for pancras ? Should be avoided ?

    3. My Pappy has been diagnosed with chronic pacreatitis, and now.... pancreatitis cancer. I've never met him because he lives to far away, but I talked to him on the phone. He lives in Arizona and I live in Texas. His wife passed away last August and we're afraid he might do the same. The doctors said that if the cancer was just in his pancreas they would trh to remove it, but if it had spread to other organs there was nothing else they could do. Unfortunately it has spread to three other organs and his health is deterierating. I'm only 12. All I want to hear is the truth. But I also just want to hear that he's going to be fine. I'm very close to my grandmother and my pappy is her father. If she's crying, I'm crying. If she's hurting, I'm hurting. I just wish I had more answers and information on if he is going to live or die. Thanks for the blog, it was really helpful. I will pray for those who are going through these hard times. I love you pappy! We all are praying and love you dearly!

      P.S. My papy was a large drinker. That is most likely what caused this to happen.

    4. Dawn I am 29 and I was hospitalized for what you just described. I looked pregnant and In the worst pain, vomiting 60 times in one day. I then was put back in the hospital a month later same thing.. Little do you know I was again hospitalized 2 weeks after that. They give you no fluids or food and they dont understand the pain. The pain medication they gave me did not work for long and they were not listening to me. They said it was from alcohol. I kept telling them I have not had a drink. Not one doctor believed me and asked me if I was depressed, can I turn down a drink? I felt they were accusing me of something I kept trying to explain was not the case. I have never been hospitalized or sick. In the past 4 months I have now been hospitalized 3 times for 7 days.. I am loosing weight and I am so tired all the time. Scared to eat because I dont know what will trigger another episode and I cant loose my job. People need to me more awre of how bad this is. If you have any advice please let me know. Thank you

  5. ugh......i'm an 30 year old alcoholic and 99% sure i have chronic pancreatitis..... i remember the first was bad... i didnt go to the hospital but it eventually subsided after a couple days.....that was 2 years ago.....never really had much other pain down there and i've drank almost every day since then.....but the last few weeks it's pretty obvious whats going on down there....been a constant dull pain that ocasionally gets severe right under my ribcage....still drinkin every day.....ugh.... i am FUCKED
    this is a really great blog tho......

    1. Here is something you probably don't want to hear...STOP DRINKING AT THIS MOMENT. I stopped without AA or any other support, I think it was because when I found out what I had done to myself,my body just had enough. Just the smell of any type of alcohol makes me ill. But,not everyone is is able to do that. Reach out to any support resource that appeals to you. Make a doctors appt. as soon as possible. You can take this to the Bank, if you continue the way you say you are in store for a LOT of PAIN that will last for the rest of your life. I don't mean to be harsh, just concerned. I hate knowing that there is someone else in that awful pain. Good luck and if you ever need someone to reach out to I will more than happy to help. God Bless.

  6. Hi Bryan Paul -
    You might choose to seek help for your alcoholism. It is not necessary to kill yourself from booze and there are options out there that can help you stop drinking. There are recovery centers and I hear that some people go to Alcoholics Anonymous for support with not drinking. You have options. It is up to you to employ them. If you choose, you do not have to continue living in the pain that you are living in.
    I wish you well!

  7. ive also taken forever to get a diagnosis and been to mayo in florida, mt sinai in nyc, musc in charlestonj, duke and chapel hill, and a ton more smaller hospitals and it wasnt until just this last march that johns hopkins finally got proactive and did 2 back to back ercp's whewre they accidently perferate my panky so even more pain...yippee. i can say i feel all of your pain and it does get oh so much worse. be prepared. horrible treatment too, from the medical community as they dont understand it or think we are all alcoholics and im not. theyre mean and leave you ih pain and you could die from these attacks. my bp goes sky high and i ean stroke level and my pukse races. im in bed all the time and always in the hospital and i mean always. at least 2-3wks a month. most marriages wont survive. no job will tolerate it and your spouses job wont either more than likely. there is univ of MN and arizona has dr Rilo. these are the only big time places you can get the tpaIT,A SURGERY TO REMOVE THE PANCREAS AND PUT YOUR ISLET CELLS IN YOUR LIVER DUCTS TO HELP YOUR SOON TO COME DIABETES. get help now...i urge you to go to a super doc asap as you may not be able to travel soon. dont drink or eat fattyfood. you will have a hard time getn pain meds...face it are in for much suffering so get to these major facilities asap. also cleveland clinic, baylor in texas, and philly have a decent program, if youre lucky enough to afford the weeks and weeks of appts and travel. beg for appts now. get in now. you may beable to regainsome kind of life if your have the tpait and even return to work. altho you'll deal with the diabetes, you at least wont be dealing with the incredible pain that will have you praying for death in your sleep. not trying to scare you, but it took many people, including myself, yrs to get help. spent a fortune. over 200k so far on traVELING and docs and meds, etc. facebook also has a lot of groups...type into fb's searchbar pancreatitis or life after paNCREAS or my powerful pancreas for greatsupport and more info than you'll get at any doctor. GOD bless.

  8. I'm 36 and had my first pancreatic attack in Dec last year while drinking at a Xmas BBQ. I spent 2 night's in hospital and had absolutely no idea of the severity of what might have happen or that still could happen to me if I didn't work at getting better. The doctors gave me no information only to eat a light diet (what ever the hell that is!) and that I was to have my Galbladder out.....NO WAY!!. First day out of hospital I went straight to my natropath, who then explained it gross detail of the death that may have and still could befall me. Terrified of ever having another attack, I did exactly what she instructed me to do.
    I went on a fat free diet for a month. The only form of fat i had was a home made enzyme concoction, being 2x egg yolks, 100ml fresh squezed OJ (squeezed myself) and tsp of raw sugar...wizz it all together and down the hatch first thing in the morning....actually first thing always (and still now before any food in consumed) a litre of water with half a lemon....make sure you wait about 30min before you eat after drink....otherwise you dialute your stom ach acid.
    I got very thin...and sick of everyone telling me I needed a big piece of steak.... i've put weight on now ..still thin, but people have stopped staring at me in the street like I'm a freak...I look healthy...I eat mostly whole foods...i avoid processed and fatty foods, I do have my soy latte's my only indulgence...I ont drink anymore. I eat loads of greens and other fruit and veg, I meditate daily and get plenty of water, sun and exercise is on the agender (I was very active pre attack...stopped to conserve calories and thing at a time)..
    I have some interesting books you may be interested in reading that I found really useful....for dietry and for emotional understanding of illness within the body:-

    The Gerson Therapy by Charlotte Gerson and Morton Walker, D.P.M.

    The Journey by Brandon Bays

    Understanding The Messages of Your Body by Jean-Pierre Barral D.O

    the last of those looks specifically at organ/emotional relationship.

    I wish you all good health x

  9. My story sounds similar in some ways. Just recently diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. Been going to doctors for several years with abdominal pain, bloating, bowel changes; etc. Almost 50 with two kids, husband, parents to care for and a high stress job. Lost 20 lbs and constantly have back pain. My NP diagnosed me after an office visit for back pain. I thought I had a kidney infection but turned out otherwise. I missed the acute attacks because I thought it was part of IBS. I cannot let this control my life. I have a fairly high tolerance for pain but really need to know more about dietary changes. I understand about being stereotyped. I am always asked about my alcohol habits. I was only a social drinker and have not drank any for a couple of years. Does anyone else have painful bloating and noisy guts? I hope to maintain a positive attitude. My entire family counts on me financially, emotionally and I am the go-to person for my friends. Prayer keeps me going. I would happily take advice.

  10. My sister in law just passed away from pancriatitis due to drinking. She was only 50 years old. Please if you drink get help this has been a horrible loss for our family.

    1. I am so sorry for your loss. I have chronic pancreas from drinking. I have not had a drop of any liquor in over 3 yrs and never will again. I stopped cold turkey. I am on a "soap box" to try and get public awareness to this disease and how to avoid it. If I can help only 1 person avoid having this happen to them, I will feel that I have served some purpose in my life. God Bless!

    2. My daughters dad passed away in august this year (2014) same thing, same cause age 45

    3. My son die from pancreatitis he did not drink his disease was caused by gallbladder he had surgery i thought he was doing better he told me don,t worry mother i will be ok 3 week after the surgery he passed away .i.m so hurt but
      god wanted to stop him from suffering .I hope all the people that are suffering please take care of yourself

  11. My husband has endused alcoholic pancreatitis and hashad 5attack in the past goes away n he thinks hes fine until he starys drinking n comes is he ever gonna understand that he cant drink at all,and at the hospital they make him wait for hors palomr medical centet,even when theres no one inthe waiting room, once they give him meds its vicodin,wich doesnt work n they never seem to understand.he is always in pain while in there so now he just stays home n doesnt rest till itgoes away he says,if there not gonna help me i mydas well be in my own kils me,all the nurses ever say is ohh yes its very painful,but never up the dosage,when will they understand.itttt hurtss himmm help him pleaseee.

  12. hello everyone, I hope you are all coping and feeling better? I do not know if I have this. I live in England and have seen three doctors and they all say different things, none has suggested this yet it fits my symptoms. But I dont drink and have not drank for years. I am in agony with it in my stomach, the only symptom, aged 56, female,
    very worried it is something serious, especially as I live alone with no family or anything. To me that is the worst bit.

  13. To: Anonymous Dec, 4th 11:18am
    how did you get diagnosed with Chronic P.? I have had the back pain and all the ibs symptoms but my doctor hasn't come up with that diagnosis. Maybe she's not doing the right tests on my. I do not drink at all so I would be surprised if it was pancreatitus, and no one in my family has had that. I want to rule it out, but how? I'm worried that my doc is just assuming that it's ibs and not looking further. C.P. sounds absolutely horrible. Thanks for any input by anyone.

  14. I have just been diagnosed with alcoholic pancreatitis, I have been in hospital for last 5 days and receive a CT scan today to tell how badly damaged it is.

    I quit the heavy drinking of vodka 2 months ago, and continued to choose a lower alcoholic drink to ween me off the alcohol. Five days ago I had my first attack and was admitted into hospital for hydration and pain. I am even more willed on to beat my addiction to alcohol now, if I was aware of how painful this condition is I would have never touched a drop of vodka.

    But here I am, I'm going to use this negative part of my life and turn it into a positive, and try to educate people about this condition and it's connection to binge drinking. I'm optimistic about my future and I will get on with my life which ever way this condition goes.

    My attack was on my 36th birthday, I will never forget that day for the rest of my life.

    Do yourself a favour and quit the drink, no drink is worth that pain and suffering.

    Take care and good luck to you all.



  15. I just got out of hospital yesterday after 3 days. It was my second attack, first One i went to hospital over though. All these blogs help me asnd hopefully i can stay sober from now on for the sake of my family, i have two young daughters and a wife that depend on me.

  16. My wife is 53. She has been a (social/heavy)drinker for the past ten years.She was diagnosed with acute pancriatis,in July 2013..She was told that she must never drink again..she said she would comply with thr dr's orders...after a few months she her blood work came back normal..soon there after she started to drink again(sneaking)...i confronted her and she promised never to drink again..well,tonight i noticed a change in her behavior..long story short,i searched thrrough her car and found several (12) empty bottles of wine..obviously i have not been watching for the signs as dilligently as i should have been..coincidently,she has been complaining about feeling ill lately..Any suggestions on how i should approach her on this,before it's too late?

  17. im 17 and my mother has pancreatitis she went to the hospital Christmas and just got out yesterday and now she has to see a specialist cuz regional medical center is f`ing stupid and she can't t afford a specialist now i have to help her work in the am.

  18. My husband was diagnostic with pancreatitis he been.having vomit and constant diarrhea he lost weigh and is skinny he is on antibiotics and pain med nd they gave him some med for medicine he is only 21 he was hospitalized for like 3 days im scared it might turn into.diabetes or something.worst he doesn't understand nd eats w.e he wants burgers pizza etc =(

  19. my name is patrick lewisI am 33use old and have had three acute pancreatitis attack. when I read about the pain that people say they have went through trust me I understand it seems the doctors really have no way to treat pancreatitis except to tell you to change your ways and change your life and for some of those like me that's not always the easiest thing to do ....I gave myself pancreatitis to drinking and right now I am at a point in my life I am trying to change that I hope I change in before I have another attack or another attack kills me I pray for all of you if this crazy weird diseaseand hope they find some better way to help all of us....GOD bless

  20. Please advise!! I'm an only child n love my parents as parents n confidants! My Mom passed abt 2+ yrs ago n I still cry at least 3-4x a wk. My Dad WAS in the hospital for pancreatitis, etc but due to the extremely slow n poor care... He left AMA last night. If my Mom were still here he wouldn't of left or she would of had him transferred. I tried but he left. Tests were to b done but 21/2 days later he still was on NPO diet. He was allowed ice chips. After mri they said he could eat. Apparently, they were wrong. He up n left. I'm scared. I'm back n fourth w his doc but nervous that something will happen in the meantime. Luckily he doesn't drink but he eats...well! Sicilian man... Please advise bc my heart is pounding n I can not lose my Daddy too.

  21. My husband started having attacts at 57. Lots of ER visits, vacations staying in the room. He is now 59 on time release addicting pain meds. He has chronic pancreatitis with large pseudo cyst. He has had 2 different stints placed threw his pancreas into these cyst. He now weighs 131 pounds. I have watched this loving active man turn into a negative couch potato. I have witnessed and fought for proper compassionate care for him. I have cried myself to sleep to many times to count. I fear loosing him daily. There has been times he begged me to understand if he took his own life. (Lost a child that way, so no). I beg anyone, after your first attack, pay attention , stop drinking, watch your diet. I wish he would of listened after first attack. Our life is so different 2 years after first attack. I can no longer work because I have to take care of most everything. He can't drive, meds make him tired. He is now addicted to pain meds, at times they make him angry, guess who gets the blunt of that? This is an awful disease for him, for me, I feel helpless, I watch him, first go threw the pain, second how it has changed the man I love, third, both of our lives have changed forever. We no longer dream of vacations, family visits all depend on how he feels, I used to feel special and loved. Now I am mad. Not just at the Dr.'s but at him. He wouldn't listen to the Dr.'s. I feel for any of you suffering from this disease. You are all in my prayers. I ask that you stop and think of what it will do to your relationship not just your health.

  22. My 3 year old daughter lost her father 6 days after his 30th birthday... yesterday.

    I am completely heartbroken, but not completely surprised. His actions, or lack thereof, lead to his demise.

    I'm angry with him right now, maybe just part of the process. But he didn't take care of himself, he didn't take his medicine, he drank, he had a poor diet, he smoked, I could go on. HE DIDN'T TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF and now our daughter has to grow up without her father.

    DON'T let his happen. Take action. Spread awareness.

  23. I've lived with pancreatiitis for years now and when they first told me that io had chronic pancreatitis it scared me because they told me it could lead to cancer but I stay on a love that ridgmont I take enzymes and I've been talking to doctor about partial removal of pancreas. The only thin you can due is stay away from the alcohol and fried foods get plenty of exercise.

  24. i had my first attack of pancreatitus, July 18th of 2015. was in hospital, for 3 days, It was so painful. Mine was caused by drinking...Even though i have not been drinking very long. I am 52. never drank for years. now that i am disabled. just alot of stress and major life style change. was to much for me to handle so started drinking. i know people who have been drinking for years and never got it. so i wonder y i got it....

  25. My brother died after a 2nd bout of pancreatitis last week. He was just barely 38. Our family is shattered beyond belief. He was a body builder & wasn't on steroids. He didn't drink very often & when he did it was during holidays where he would usually drink a Mike's Hard Lemonade or Smirnoff. My brother had been taking pre-workout & other supplements. We're not sure if the supplements added to his body's stress working overtime as his body was like a race car since he was a workout machine or if it was a genetic defect.

    My younger brother who's in his early twenties has been in the hospital due to stomach issues at least twice this year. I'm very worried about his health. I'm during more research on this & my prayers go out to all of you & your families. May God bless you & give you strength.

    I pray there is a cure soon for pancreatitis.

  26. My brother died after a 2nd bout of pancreatitis last week. He was just barely 38. Our family is shattered beyond belief. He was a body builder & wasn't on steroids. He didn't drink very often & when he did it was during holidays where he would usually drink a Mike's Hard Lemonade or Smirnoff. My brother had been taking pre-workout & other supplements. We're not sure if the supplements added to his body's stress working overtime as his body was like a race car since he was a workout machine or if it was a genetic defect.

    My younger brother who's in his early twenties has been in the hospital due to stomach issues at least twice this year. I'm very worried about his health. I'm during more research on this & my prayers go out to all of you & your families. May God bless you & give you strength.

    I pray there is a cure soon for pancreatitis.
